Friday, October 28, 2011



Click BlogTalkRadio play button to hear show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Today's show: "Gorilla" is dedicated to me and the baby jesus.

...and to Seemore, of course.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Gorilla
5) Lit Minit : "How to Be an Explorer of the World," by Keri Smith


Wars, rumors of wars, chaos, misery, destructive storms heading our way, earthquakes and rumors of Turkish earthquakes...

3) Read your local paper. Join a local group. Work now and maybe a LOT later, too.

4) Gorilla

Guerilla Art is sometimes labeled as graffitti. What do you think? I'll bet your opinion is tied to how much property you own. 
I'm just sayin'...
for more, try Keri Smith's website

For my part, I own very little property, but I like to think I will someday and I kind of act and think like an owner. I don't generally like grafitti and vandalism unless it has what I label as "great redeeming value" whatever that is.

5) Lit Minit : "How To Be an Explorer of the World," by Keri 

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

"How To Be an Explorer of the World," by Keri Smith, was read with out permission or compensation to the author, publisher, heir, hairs and or follicles. My Bad.
Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Gorilla" 10/28/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Bug Me

Click BlogTalkRadio play button to hear show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Today's show: "Bug Me" is dedicated to me and all my good ideology.

...and to Seemore, of course.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Bug Me
5) Lit Minit : "The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search For God," by Bernard Shaw


1) Local News

Earthquake Stuff

2) Other News

Wars, rumors of wars, chaos, misery, destructive storms heading our way, earthquakes and rumors of earthquakes...

3) Read your local paper. Join a local fight. Fight now and maybe a LOT later, too.

4) Bug Me

5) Lit Minit :  "The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search For God," by Bernard Shaw"
TYSM for reading and listening. I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW!

Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you heard here, hear?

"The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search For God," by Bernard Shaw, was read with out permission or compensation to the author, publisher, heir, hairs and or follicles. Sorry.

Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Bug Me" 10/21/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Twin Attack Plan

Okay, here is the new plan. Too much with the fun stuff. We need some structure. So for now, let's say the next ten weeks, until, say Christmas: Friday morning blog posting that will cover  three things: 1) HIghlights of Daily Show, 2) a selection from other show list (Colbert Report, McLaughlin, Doha Debates, KQED specials, NOVA, or 3) Whatever we want to cover.

Let's get to it.

Now you get back to work.

DD out

Friday, October 7, 2011

The news just keeps getting better, for somebody...

Watching "Viewpoint" with James Zogby this morning I was presented with new and evermore dismal financial news. I always thought this guy was a conservative, Israel-favoring, leaning-toward-Tea-Party-conservativism, but he and his guest were just mega-doom and gloom. "Death of the middle class," "an end to life as we know it," and more like that.

But as a budding Harvard Business student once said, "...every man's cieling is every OTHER man's floor." Or, "when there is blood in the streets, buy real estate."

Always when there is a lot of activity in the market, the negative will be most covered. Meanwhile, opportunists are finding value in the  chaos. So, what ARE the great deals out there? And how do we stay in the game long enough to win?