Friday, June 24, 2011

Family Hour

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Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 9:30 am PDT.

Today's show: "Family Hour" is dedicated to me and my family.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Family
5) Lit Minit : Joseph Larmor. An excerpt from his preface to Henri Poincare's 1952 book, "Science and Hypothesis."


1) Local News

Ashton Kucher in SF Weekly

2) Oops! We didn't get to Other News!

       Other News

       War, chaos, misery, destruction...

3) Oops! W didn't get to Local Loco, either!

     Read your local paper. Pay a little now or pay a LOT later.

4) Family

     Even though anyone who knows me knows that I don't spend much time with my mom and sisters, I DO LOVE MY FAMILY.

Furthermore, since we are on the cusp of the sixth anniversary of my best family decision ever (that to marry and make an honest woman out of Carmen after thinking about it for a decade), I would like to expand a bit here on the fact that my family is MUCH BIGGER than those people who share most closely my CBGB DNA strands. I am now lucky to include as family my godson Elizabeth and my goddaughter Sean. My nieces who are spread all over the country from Ohio and Alabama and Florida to Arizona and California and now Colorado. My nephews who have an ironically similar geographic spread and my friends.

For a very long time I have held friends closer than my relatives. I do not take any pride in that other than to count myself AMAZINGLY LUCKY to have had the wonderful parade of freaks that I count as friends then and now.

My friends saved my life as well as often helping me put it in grave jeopardy. Without my friends I would be a very different and very probably dead, person.

Pat MacMahon and Doug Cook come to mind first when death is mentioned, 'cause they were the ones who I actually listened to at what turned out to be the end of my decade of binge drinking and debauchery and who corpse-walked me through my first pass through The Program.

I love my family. It is a struggle for me to show it. And many times I behave badly and stay away, too. This show is for you.

5) Lit Minit :Joseph Larmor. An excerpt from his preface to Henri Poincare's 1952 book, "Science and Hypothesis."

   I chose this because it is about ten steps up the learning ladder than I normally like to read. It jumped off the shelf at me in Berkeley and I share it with you here. He is writing about the magic of learning and the depth of human capacity for it. I ran out of time and had to try to read the whole thing in 45 seconds. Sorry. Grab a copy @ your local library or online and have a look yourself. Or read it here. Another one of the beautiful things about famous stuff more than fifty years old. No copyright stuff!

TYSM for reading and "listening." I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW! 

-- DD

But, if you DO have time right now, you can get more data here by following these links:

"The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg" was read with great love and respect but without any authorization or permission from the author, their heirs or publishers. 

Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Pride" 6/24/11 HWH w DD

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Vacation Break

I hope you have not been impeded by my secretary. She forgot to post the "Gone Fishing" sign and many of you have called about the lack of a show the last two weeks. We will be back this Friday, June 24, 2011, 9:30 am PST, broadcasting live from Fillmore. Get back to work.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Sound of Silence

Click BlogTalkRadio play button to "hear" show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 9:30 am PDT.

Today's show: "Sound of Silence," is dedicated to Arthur Hitchcock who won't return my calls but is at the tender age of 14, right now walking to Maine from Long Beach, California. Arthur is a freelance photographer who is raising money and awareness for the disease that took his mom last year, Breast Cancer. He is in his fourth week on the road and has already made it all the way up the coast to San Francisco! More links at the bottom. Walk on, Arthur!

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Sound of Silence
5) Lit Minit : Desiderata


1) Local News

   SFBG Home page.
       War, chaos, misery, destruction...

3) Read your local paper. Pay a little now or pay a LOT later.

4) Silence is least appreciated when preceded by a question. Like, "Can I work for you?"

     ...or, "Are you interested in my tutoring service?"

     ..."Have you heard my show?"

     ... "What do YOU think about THAT (pointing to bathing suit) ?"

     But silence can be great!

     The "silence" of the desert at dawn.

     The quiet in my apartment.

     The calm quiet silence of the stars in their vacuum of infinite space.

     Or, that sucking crickety noise you hear when you ask the right question, like my 21st century  teacher training classes at CSUDH :

     to the question, "What are some methods for managing a loud classroom?

     ...and I say, "Corporal Punishment?" (silence and uncomfortable shuffling

     from my fellow teachers-in-training)

    My favorite comics, like Andy Kaufman, Andy Dick, Trey and Matt from South Park

   (did you hear they're on Broadway?),

   and many un-named others, often seem to be going for

    -- silence --

    instead of laughs. Ricky Gervais, too, in The Office and his stand-up, too,

    seems to aim to

    quiet the room. If you haven't seen him in "The Invention of Lying," do yourself a favor

    and watch it CLOSELY.

    But if The Office creeps you out and or bores you, it may not be for you...

5) Lit Minit : Desiderata, which for most of my youth was attributed to "...found in Old St. Paul's

    Church" but turns out was the product of Max Ehrmann in the '20's

TYSM for reading and "listening." I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW! 

-- DD

But, if you DO have time right now, you can get more data here by following these links:

Arthur Hitchcock

"Desiderata" was read with great love and respect but without any authorization or permission from the author, their heirs or publishers. 

Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Sound of Silence" 6/3/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!