Friday, December 23, 2011


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Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time.

Today the “Solstice” show is dedicated to Seemore, who knows that everything is going to be okay.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Solstice
5) Lit Minit: "Mastering Adolescence" by Robert Coles


1) Local News Giant Ass Fire
Warren Hellman, RIP
New Sheriff in Town
SFMOMA is closing! Actually it is good news
Francesca Woodman link
2) Other News 
Death, war, rumors of war, chaos, misery, earthquakes, and, and, and...

3) You know what to do. "Think local. Act local," said Warren Goodman.

5) Lit Minit "Mastering Adolescence," by Robert Coles

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

Broken Promises: We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake. Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show "Solstice" 12/23/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now get back to work. DD

Friday, December 16, 2011


Click BlogTalkRadio play button to hear show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Today the “WTF MMXI” show is dedicated to Bob and Brian, who do Tambourine Man much, much better and as always, to Seemore.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
Glide Food Giveaway given negative spin in KRON
Newt Gingrich is running strong
Don Casper is deader than ever
Cacophony Christmas offends only participants
5) Lit Minit: "Books and Money," by Alan Parker


1) Local News Cacophony Christmas Update, okay that was the poster from Scout Press. Here is
the update.
Glide Food Giveaway
Occupy Update
Don Casper (eulogy, p. 10) (Argonaut)
Newt Gingrich Lives, should we be concerned? Yes, this is local for all of us. He is
running hard for the top job.
The Ray. Superhero defends Occupy from attack.

2) Other News 

Unjust sentencing, unjust redistristribution of wealth, death, war, rumors of war, chaos, misery, earthquakes, and, and, and...

3) Read your local paper. Join a local group. Please mention me by name.

Newt Gingrich is running strong
Don Casper is deader than ever. Don't let his passion die, too. Without him we might
REALLY have been fucked...

5) Lit Minit "Books and Money," by Alan Parker
Above link goes to Parker's poetry site, I failed to find an online version of "B & M."
Turns out it was an inadvertant pre-9/11 entry. It was culled from the Fall 2001 
edition of Field, which is a twice-yearly publication Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio,

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

Broken Promises: We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake, the cacophonous scrap of "Tambourine Man," B. Dylan, or the closing music from Mr. Scruff. Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show "WTF MMXI" 12/16/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now get back to work. DD

Friday, December 2, 2011


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Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Today's show: "My Apology" is dedicated to Judith, who was running her ass off this morning in nine degree weather and to Seemore.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Apology
5) Lit Minit : Review "The Great Debaters" Denzel Washington
6) Book List


1) Local News

Stupid is on the rise. See this weeks papers for evidence.

San Francisco Weekly story : "Hate Expectations," by Peter Jamison.

San Francisco Bay Guardian cover story : "The Great Food Divide," by Hugh Biggar.

And the solution to these and most other problems is of course education which begins with communication. Not a quick or easy fix, though. For some help with it, try Non Violent Communication, by Marshall Rosenberg. Simple and powerful. Two modes: Listening and Speaking. Four components: Feelings, Needs, Requests, and oh yeah, Observations. Sounds simple, right? Try it. Try to limit your judgement about what you are hearing and responding with passion in these four ways. They have had a lot of success for almost fifty years with this stuff. Namaste.

2) Other News 

Winds, rumors of winds, chaos, misery, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns upwind of us, and, and, and...

3) Read your local paper. Join a local group. And tell your friends and neighbors.

4) Apology: Every week I tell you what I think you should do so you are more like me. This time I just say "Do Nothing."

Seriously. We are all wound up like tops to buy and work and act so that someone else benefits. Let's all just take a minute and calm down with a simple meditation. If you already pray or do yoga or meditate you probably already have one you use. If not, here is a real simple one. Try it for one minute. Pay attention to how you feel. Then try it for five minutes uninterrupted. Then notice how you feel. Here it is.


That's it. Just breathe. Sit somewhere comfortable where you won't be interrupted. Notice your breath. Don't change it. Just notice and pay attention to it. Let other thoughts drift away. Try one minute, then two, or three, or five solid uninterrupted minutes. It is not easy, but you WILL feel better after. Or worse. But different! Namaste!

5) Lit Minit : The Great Debaters. Dir. by Denzel Washington

6) Book List.

This week we read a lot of different books, including "The Christmas Stories," by Dickens

Biorhythm Compatibility by Mort Gale

Everything They Ever Told Me Was a Lie, by Pat Shannan

High Road to Promontory 

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

Broken Promises: We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake, or the closing music from Mr. Scruff. Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Special Students Only Reading Question : Include a response to this with your regular assignment for extra credit: Two questions: 1) Where do the bubbles come from that form at the bottom of a pan of boiling water? 2) What happens to light as it passes through the same water? 2a) Why do objects reflect and appear differently according to where they are in the water? NB, bubbles on the bottom and small floating things, like hairs and cooked bugs. Get it? Skip it if this is in any way confusing or discouraging. I will be no help to you. 

Notes and links from BTR show "Apology" 12/02/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Laugh! Love! Dance! Sing! Clown around big time and mean it! Don't just wait to be entertained, you assholes! Show yourselves!

Now get back to work. DD

Friday, November 18, 2011

Sunday Morning

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Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Today's show: "Sunday Morning" is dedicated to Seemore, who knows that everything really will be all right.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Sunday Morning

Wars, rumors of wars, chaos, misery, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns upwind of us, and, and, and...

3) Read your local paper. Join a local group. And tell your friends and neighbors.

5) Lit Minit : "Honey and Salt," poems by Carl Sandburg

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

Broken Promises: We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake, the closing music from Mr. Scruff, or to read Carl's poems. Our bad.

Notes and links from BTR show "Sunday Morning" 11/18/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Current Eventualities

Click BlogTalkRadio play button to hear show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Time.

Today's show: "Current Eventualities" is dedicated to Richard and Marco, and to that weird noise coming through my wall just now (I mean it is CONCRETE, yo, what they hell?)...and to the ad agency that is putting those Columbia jacket ads out. You know the ones where the guy jumps naked through the ice into the frozen lake and...

...and to Seemore, of course.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Current Events
5) Lit Minit : "The Naval Wrecks of the Scapa Flow," by Peter L. Smith


1) Local News

It's raining a little.

Guess Who Won The Election?

2) Other News

Wars, rumors of wars, chaos, misery, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns upwind of us, and, and, and...

3) Read your local paper. Join a local group. Just do it. And tell your friends and neighbors I thought of it first.

4) Current Events for the Bay Area (I read from some foodie quiz cards).

Yes it is true (according to Foodie Fight : a trivia game for serious food lovers) that american kitchens have tripled in size since 1950, from 80 square feet to 225. And yes, I will answer the MATH QUESTION OF THE WEEK aka what is the square root of 225? See below

5) Lit Minit : "The Naval Wrecks of the Scapa Flow," by Peter L. Smith

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

"The Naval Wrecks of the Scapa Flow," by Peter L. Smith was read without permission or compensation to the author, publisher, or their heirs. Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Current Events" 11/11/11 HWH w DD

MATH QUESTION OF THE WEEK  answer : the square root of 225 is 15 

15 x 15 = 225, or a kitchen today averages out to be a room 15 wide and 15 feet deep, too. Use to be less than nine. Good work Mathmagicians!

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

And if you woke up in a somewhat free country today, where you can still speak your mind and talk freely about whatever you want, thank a veteran.

Now, get back to work, dammit!