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Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time.
Today the “Trash” show is dedicated to Me, because I am.
Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Calendar
4) Calendar
4) Trash
5) Lit Minit: "Fifty Shades Darker" EL James.
1) Local News
Local Police Department Sponsor Blood Drive - NOT Ironically
Governor Brown made his State of the State yesterday, after being
introduced by that hot Attorney General guy.
It's freaking raining!!
Mind Games and Other Math Problems are yours for free in The
Beach Reporter free every week and here online!
Check your pulse. If reading any part of the above paragraph elevated
your heart rate, you might be math-phobic.
2) Other News
Local Police Department Sponsor Blood Drive - NOT Ironically
Governor Brown made his State of the State yesterday, after being
introduced by that hot Attorney General guy.
It's freaking raining!!
Mind Games and Other Math Problems are yours for free in The
Beach Reporter free every week and here online!
Check your pulse. If reading any part of the above paragraph elevated
your heart rate, you might be math-phobic.
2) Other News
Corruption, rumors of corruption, war, rumors of war, chaos,
misery, rape...
misery, rape...
3) Local Loco
4) Calendar
5) Trash
The mantra for the century is "No Trash, More Libraries."
The smarter we are, the better we solve problems. And trash
is an outdated concept. A fantasy we can no longer afford.
The good news -- local news if you are in LA
The Story of Garbage
Ammo Art is the product of an artist from Newark
Trashopolis is an anthropological television show. I have one
basic disagreement with them. They work from the premise
that trash is a necessary by-product of civilization. I say that it
is a 19th century fantasy we forgot to drop.
4) Calendar
5) Trash
The mantra for the century is "No Trash, More Libraries."
The smarter we are, the better we solve problems. And trash
is an outdated concept. A fantasy we can no longer afford.
The good news -- local news if you are in LA
The Story of Garbage
Ammo Art is the product of an artist from Newark
Trashopolis is an anthropological television show. I have one
basic disagreement with them. They work from the premise
that trash is a necessary by-product of civilization. I say that it
is a 19th century fantasy we forgot to drop.
6) Lit Minit
"Fifty Shades Darker" EL James.
Thanks for listening and reading! Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?
Master Shift is a meditation group that organized an international moment
of PEACE and UNITY on 12/12/12 and then again on the solstice.
Blog Talk Radio -- Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas
Master Shift is a meditation group that organized an international moment
of PEACE and UNITY on 12/12/12 and then again on the solstice.
Blog Talk Radio -- Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas
Broken Promises: We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake (Wheels off of Pressure Chief). Or the close tune, either, for that matter (Mr. Scruff playing Hot Tuna, I think). Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?
Yes Men
Notes and links from BTR show "Trash" 1/25/13 HWH w DD
All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!
Now get back to work. DD