Friday, August 26, 2011


Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 9:30 am Pacific Time.

Today's show: "Exhaustion," is dedicated to Don Casper, and Seemore, of course.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Papers
4) Exhaustion
5) Lit Minit : Desiderata  


1) Local News


Losing A Good One. Don Casper was a hard-working public servant. He did his job well and served the public with intelligence and courage. He fought hard for us, and put himself at risk in the process. Governor Schwarzenneger fired him for blocking the sale of state assets. Gov. Brown rehired him to manage during this incredible difficult financial time and he was hard at that task until he was run down and killed two weeks ago, that is.

Lots of cool stuff happening around the Northland, as usual. Check it out here.

2) Other News

       Exploding casinos, war, chaos, misery, destructive storms coming out of nowhere...

3) Read your local paper. Pay a little now or pay a LOT later.

4) Exhaustion

5) Lit Minit : "Desderata," by Max Baer, Jr. 1927.

TYSM for reading and listening. I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW!

Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you heard here, hear?

"Desderata" was read with great love and respect but without any authorization or permission from the author, their heirs or publishers. And yes, I know it is Max Ehrmann, and not the guy from Beverly Hillbillies...WTG
Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Exhaustion" 8/26/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Green Brain Boredom

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 9:30 am PDT.

Today's show: "Green Brain Boredom" is dedicated to Discovery Learning Tutoring, my Math, Golf and Lifetime Learning skills company. And of course, to Seemore.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Green Brain Boredom
5) Lit Minit : "Cradle to Cradle," by William McDonough and Michael Braungart


1) Local News
Concussions hurt

Show your boobs to save the world (Guys welcome, but you can't show yours).

Green Buds! Oh, snap! Whadaya mean, I am polluting more than Exxon? Local indoor farmers face a new, eco-unfriendly awareness.

Street Sheet to help Tenderloin Homeless

BART protest aftermath. Hackers going after cops personal online data?


* As per usual, an ungodly amount of ungodly stuff to do this week here in The City. See SFBG, SFGate and for more.

2) Other News

War, chaos, misery, disaster, radiation, financial ruin, eco-war, eco-chaos, eco-misery, et al...

3) Local Loco : Listen to a local band. Eat some food produced locally. Read your local paper.  Step out of line a little. Work a little now or pay a LOT more later, when some Murdoch clone owns all the local press. See Meet Joe Black for more. Just because News Of The World is gone, don't think that we can let well enough alone.

4) Feature: "Green Brain Boredom"

      Boredom is the powerful force that -- unchecked -- will stop learning in its tracks.
         Boredom does not just come from hearing the crickets chirp. It can also be produced by TOO

         If you are overwhelmed by the flood of information regarding green living, we can help. Call me at Discovery Learning Tutoring and I can connect you with my friends at San Francisco Community Power. They give free energy audits for San Franciscans. Live outside of the area? No problem. DL can help there, too. Give us a call to see how.

        Overwhelmville is no fun. Get out now.

5) Lit Minit : "Cradle to Cradle," by William McDonough and Michael Braungart

TYSM for reading and listening. I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW!

-- DD

...but if you DO have time right now, you can get more fun here by following these links:

"Cradle to Cradle," was read with great love and respect but without any authorization or permission from the author, their heirs or publishers.

Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Therapy Buddy Link

Notes and links from BTR show "Green Brain Boredom" Show 8/19/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Empty Space

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 9:30 am PDT.

Today's show: "Empty Space" is dedicated to my wife, who has had to deal with more than anyone ever should. And of course, to Seemore. 

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Empty Space
5) Lit Minit : "Ambulances," by Philip Larkin, from Collected Poems


Therapy Buddy Link

1) Local News

* 22 DAYS TO BURNING MAN! And if you are going to miss it, like I am, all hope is not lost. Burning Man Project thrusts forward the spirit of Burners and Non, with its mission to "...not have to go out to the desert to have that opportunity for self-expression and creativity." Beyond the Playa, Aug 10, 2011. Mayor Ed Lee as well as one of his opponents for the Mayor's seat are teaming up with founding forces and the Black Rock City, LLC to dress up Market Street and much more. "We don't want to merely decorate the city's main street...We want to change lives," said super-founder Larry Harvey.

*Outside Lands this weekend! Bundle up.

* So you think I can dance? Nah, and viewership for the Fox finale is down 9% to show again, that ANYTHING I like is unpopular, generally. Good, right?

* Eco-Sexy. 7 pm tonight at The Lab.

* Hetch-Hetchy not to be restored anytime soon, but not because Mike Marshall isn't working at it 24/7.

* Local High School Newspaper is boring, even to it's editor.

* As per usual, an ungodly amount of ungodly stuff to do this week here in The City. Some cheap stuff here.

2) Other News
     War, chaos, misery, disaster, radiation, eco-war, eco-chaos, eco-misery, et al...

3) Local Loco : Read your local paper, even if it is a school publication that bores the hell out of you. And sing a little, too. Write a Letter to the Editor, or to one of the advertisers. Thank them for a good ad or voice your concern about a dangerous product or service. Step out of line a little. Work now or pay a LOT more later, when some Murdoch clone owns all the local press. See Meet Joe Black for more. Just because News Of The World is gone, don't think that we can let well enough alone.

4) Feature: "Empty Space"

5) Lit Minit : "Ambulances," by Philip Larkin, from Collected Poems.

TYSM for reading and listening. I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW!

-- DD

...but if you DO have time right now, you can get more fun here by following these links:

"Ambulances," was read - rather quickly, sorry --with great love and respect but without any authorization or permission from the author, their heirs or publishers.

Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

Notes and links from BTR show "Empty Space" Show 8/12/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Teachers, Schools and Students

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 9:30 am PDT.

Today's show: "Teachers, Schools and Students" is dedicated to Kris and of course to my partner here in the booth, my Therapy Buddy, Seemore.

Also on today's show:

1) Local News

2) Other News

3) Local Loco

4) Teachers, Schools and Students

5) Lit Minit : "What To Do: A Global Strategy," by Lee Hamilton

1) Local News

SF Weekly article about local water. Sensational, probably well-intended, but thin and big-picture-missingish.


Free music that I didn't mention, 'cause I didn't want to make you sad:

2) Other News

...war, crime, misery, rape, arson, murder, mayhem and chaos, as usual...

3) Local Loco : Read your local paper. Or how about a local blog? And write a little, too.

Write a Letter to the Editor, or to one of the advertisers. Thank them for a good ad or

voice your concern about a dangerous product or service. Step out of line a little. Work

now or pay a LOT more later, when some Media One clone owns all the local press. See

Meet Joe Black for more.

4) Feature: "Teachers, Schools and Students"

Soon to be posted as soon as I write it. For now listen to the show.

5) Lit Minit: "9/11 Report," by Lee Hamilton "What To Do: A Global Strategy," 12.1 Reflecting

on a generational challenge, Lee Hamilton, et al. "The 9/11 Commision Report: Final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, 2005, W.W Norton, NY.

TYSM for reading and listening. I hope you had fun. Now, GBTW!

-- DD

...but if you DO have time right now, you can get more fun here by following these links:

SF Weekly

SFBG - San Francisco Bay Guardian

"What To Do: A Global Strategy," 12.1 Reflecting on a generational challenge, Lee Hamilton, et al. "The 9/11 Commision Report: Final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, 2005, W.W Norton, NY. was read with great love and respect but without any authorization or permission from the author, their heirs or publishers.

Also used, but without permission, the intro music is "Wheels," by CAKE off of their album "Pressure Chief."

New Close Music is "Ninja Tuna," by Kalimba, off of their album, "Mr. Scruff," of course used without any compensation or consideration, but great love, respect and appreciation.

HWH @ Twitter


Discovery Learning Tutoring @ Google Groups

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show "Teachers, Schools and Students" Show 8/5/11 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, get back to work, dammit!