Friday, February 24, 2012

Local Music

 BlogTalkRadio play button to hear the show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time.
Listen anytime on BlogTalk or Itunes.

Today the “Local Music” show is dedicated to Carmen.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Local Music
5) Lit Minit:  "Revenge of the Teacher's Pet: A LOVE STORY, by Darrin Doyle


Death, death, death, death and more death...

3) Local Loco.
Give your community a hug and a kiss. If we make our homes 
places of peace, love and creation, all of this political bullshit will be 
much more manageable, really. You can start with something as 
simple as singing out loud. Come on! You know you like it! Open 
your windows, and sing. And if your neighbors are all assholes, 
congratulations! They probably feel the same thing. That is a great 
place to start.

4) Local Music
       This evening was less about the music and more about my total lack
       of orienteering skills. Driving from SFV to Eagle Rock is a simple task
       unless I am the solo operator of the vehicle. By the time that I
       reversed field and found the goddamn venue, my sane brain was long-
       gone for the night. Entering the converted church with its xeriscape
       landscaping, I made for a soft chair and began reciting my most
       self-nurturing mantra to no avail. When the first band began to
       assemble onstage, 2 hours late, I resisted urges to hurl anti-mantras
and instead fled to carne casa Oinkster, just down the street. The
show should have been great. Some said it was.

Thanks for listening and reading. I hope you had fun. I probably did. NOW GET BACK TO WORK!!

Douglas Douglas

Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake (Wheels off of Pressure Chief). Or the close tune, either, for that matter (Mr. Scruff playing Hot Tuna, I think). Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show 
Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas "Local Music," 2/24/12

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now, seriously, get the fuck back to work! DD

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Tiger or Phil or the field?

Yes, Virginia, there certainly are more golfers than Tiger. But you wouldn't know it to hear Golf Channel reporters. They unanimously spiked Twitter comments from viewers requesting more diversity on the broadcast.

"They just don't get it," intoned Marketing Analyst #1, He (Tiger) has more majors than any active player."

I guess if all viewers follow ad revenue actuarial statistics more than The Love of The Game this would be true. But some of us still spring from the Francis Ouimet Cinderella School and just like seeing good shot-making and following who is hot at the time. Golf Channel would serve their own audience more by responding to, say, Charlie Wi, who covers Northern Cal demographics as well as the over-40 crowd.

Whadaya think?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Ruminations on the 12th

 BlogTalkRadio play button to hear the show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time.
Listen anytime on BlogTalk or Itunes.

Today the “Ruminations on the 12th” show is dedicated to Carmen.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) ROT12
5) Lit Minit:  "Three rounds with Rabbit Angstrom," by John Updike.


1) Local News

2) Other News 
Death, death, death, death and more death...

3) Local Loco.
Give your community a hug and a kiss. If we make our homes places of 
peace, love and creation, all of this political bullshit will be much more manageable, 
really. You can start with something as simple as singing out loud. Come on! You
know you like it! open your windows, and sing. And if your neighbors are all assholes, 
congratulations! They probably feel the same thing. That is a great place to start.

4) Ruminations on the 12th:

5) Lit Minit 
"The Bear," by William Faulkner. If this link doesn't work, you can find it many places
online and in your local library for free.

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake (Wheels off of Pressure Chief). Or the close tune, either, for that matter (Mr. Scruff playing Hot Tuna, I think). Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show "Relief,", 2/10/12 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now get back to work! DD


Click BlogTalkRadio play button to hear the show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time.
Listen anytime on BlogTalk or Itunes.

Today the “Relief” show is dedicated to anyone who owns or wants to own a home.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Relief
5) Lit Minit:  "The Bear," by William Faulkner.


1) Local News
Chicken Little of the Week: Now you get busted for throwing a frisbee at the beach.
Downtown LA Art Walk rocks, a little.
Short Eyes, by Miguel Pinero
           LA Weekly
                    Magic Castle burns! What you can do to help, and why you really, really want to.
                    Oldster gamers rock.
Cannibal! The Musical Back in production at a HS near you.

Billy Jack lives. This is the best kind of crazy.

2) Other News 
Death, poverty, war, rumors of wars, chaos, misery...

3) Local Loco.
Give your community a hug and a kiss. If we make our homes places of 
peace, love and creation, all of this political bullshit will be much more manageable, 
really. You can start with something as simple as opening your blinds. And if your 
neighbors are all assholes, congratulations! They probably feel the same thing. That is 
a great place to start.

4) Relief. 
We should be feeling a little of it. Business numbers look better. We in California get a 
$25B bone to help with our struggles. But is this a real thing?

5) Lit Minit 
"The Bear," by William Faulkner. If this link doesn't work, you can find it many places
online and in your local library for free.

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake (Wheels off of Pressure Chief). Or the close tune, either, for that matter (Mr. Scruff playing Hot Tuna, I think). Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show "Relief,", 2/10/12 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now get back to work! DD

Friday, February 3, 2012


Click BlogTalkRadio play button to hear the show --->

Tune in to the Hard Work Hour with Douglas Douglas Live on Blog Talk Radio Friday mornings at 10:00 am Pacific Standard Time.
Listen anytime on BlogTalk or Itunes.

Today the “Waterfall” show is dedicated to me.

Also on today's show:
1) Local News
2) Other News
3) Local Loco
4) Waterfall
5) Lit Minit:  "Loomings," Melville, Herman, Moby Dick, ch. i


1) Local News
Oscar, Oscar, Oscar, and -- oh, I guess he shot himself (if you think Black
History Month is depressing for you, try a mile in Don Cornelius's shoes).

Early Morning Opera
Moby Dick Opera  

Oscars Nominations

2) Other News 
Death, poverty, war, rumors of wars, chaos, misery, murder...

3) Give your community a hug and a kiss.

4) Water. It is a lot more than 3/4 of our existence.
Dymaxion or "Buckminster Fuller" Map
      More map images you maybe haven't seen

5) Lit Minit "Loomings," Melville, Herman, Moby Dick, ch. i

Thanks for listening and reading. Follow these here links if you want to follow up on anything you read or hear here, hear?

We didn't pay anyone to play the opening music from Cake (Wheels off of Pressure Chief). Or the close tune, either, for that matter (Mr. Scruff playing Hot Tuna, I think). Our bad. Of course, nobody paid us either, so...?

Yes Men

Notes and links from BTR show "Waterfall,", 2/3/12 HWH w DD

All material licensed by Creative Commons. If you want to use it, ask!

Now get back to work! DD